2024 11 VCM
Current challenge: Intelligent networks And WITRON is not running out of work. Custo mers want to build new facilities, but also rea lize brownfield projects with the OPM system. The OPM system works economically and highly efficiently in the dry, fresh, and frozen food sector - regardless of whether it is a new or existing building. But there are new tasks for the developers at WITRON. The require ments for intra-logistics have changed and the OPM system has mastered the market chan ges - from pure store supply to omni-channel centers. Intelligent networks are the actual challenge. Now, not only the logistics centers, but the entire supply chains of the customers are to become efficient. „Our goal is to inte grate all horizontal and vertical players of an omni-channel network: suppliers, logistics center, transportation. This also includes the different distribution channels: store, home delivery, click & collect, drives. It is therefore important to create an efficient end-to-end retail platform, where silos are avoided, where all hubs permanently communicate with and optimize each other”, says Prieschenk, looking into the future.
tem, the store managers and their staff mem bers also have to dispose of less wrapping. “The OPM solution is integrated end-to-end into the customer’s processes - economically, ecologi cally, and socially”, says Högen. 95 percent of a full-range store can be handled automatically “The decisive factor is not to have an idea for an innovation”, emphasizes Prieschenk, “the decisive factor is to successfully implement this idea in practical use. We get systems up and running!”. With OPM, it is now possible to pick more than 95 percent of the product scope of a full-range retailer (dry, fresh, and frozen) fully automatically and store-friendly in aisle sequence onto pallets or roll containers, largely without the need for personnel. “Our systems grow with the customer. The challenge in a pro ject is that we receive figures at the beginning of the project design phase that can change again during the implementation phase. And when markets change, the situation is often completely different.” For example, we had to quickly integrate efficient e-commerce proces ses for customers in the logistics centers that were originally designed purely for store deli
very. “We always have the goal in mind, prima rily a high level of customer service, see logis tics from the end customer’s perspective in the store or at home, and analyze developments”, explains Prieschenk. High availability thanks to solid mechanics The success of the OPM system is also based on the system’s design. “Mechanics has always been simple and thus solid, hardly prone to errors, and easy to maintain. The result is high system availability, 24/7. The software, the stac king algorithm takes care of the complexity”, emphasizes Prieschenk. However, WITRON is not only responsible for the technology, but also ensures a permanently high availability of the system with well-trained personnel. “This has opened up a completely new business model for us. More than 4,000 staff members are currently working for us in the areas of service, maintenance, and system operation on site at our customers’ distribution centers”, says Prieschenk. WITRON OnSite teams with a variety of tasks
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