2025 02 VCM

Supply Chain and Logistics education

PICS Belgium offers a wide choice of training courses, seminars and networking events, which have been developed by a team of practice-oriented academics, with top-level experience.

APICS training courses

Certified in Planning and Inventory Management

Supply Chain Café Supply Chain Café 16: 20/02 Lean Six Sigma & Predictive Analytics

focuses on the mastery of an

Supply Chain Café 17: 27/03 Supply Chain Café 18: 24/04 Supply Chain Café 19: 22/05

organization’s and increases functional knowledge of production internal operations

and inventory management. Evening classes start 27/02 Daytime classes start 26/03

PICS training courses Hands-On Supply Chain Management: start 22/04 Masterclass Pragmatic Inventory Management: start 14/05 Sustainable Supply Chain Fundamentals: start 11/06 e-Commerce Logistics Masterclass: start 25/03

Certified in Logistics, Transportation and Distribution provides the essential knowledge needed for today’s logistic, transportation and distribution challenges and enables to implement best practice approaches to increase logistic efficiencies. Start 01/04

Company Visit Active Ants: 04/04

Certified Supply Chain Professional

focuses on the mastery of the extended supply chain, from organizations’ suppliers through to the end customers.

Evening classes start 12/03 Daytime classes start 28/04

Save up to 30% on your registration fee using “KMO Portefeuille”. PICS Belgium is recognized by the Flemish government as acertified training centre. DV.O102417

Do you need extra information? Are you not sure which course is right for you? Don’t hesitate to reach out to us. + 32 3 15 18 61 51 | info@picsbelgium.be www.picsbelgium.be

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