2025 02 VCM
INNOVATION IN AGRICULTURE AND FOOD PROCESSING A surging global populati on, demographic chan ges, shifting consumer preferences, climate change and sustaina
bility concerns have exposed the vulnerability of the food industry. Tackling these challenges is es sential for us to ensure a reliable and consistent food supply that meets the needs of the growing global population. of new national, regional and international regulations, such as the Corporate Sustainability Responsibility Directive (CSRD), the EU Deforestation Regulations (EUDR) and COP28’s Declaration of Sustainable Agriculture, Resi lient Food Systems and Climate Action.These regulations are supporting a transformative shift toward greater transparency and accountability across the entire food chain. The implementation of these regulations is supported by different types of relevant techno From a governance perspective, we have seen the introduction
logy. Firstly, data-driven solutions, as key enablers for sustainable and resilient Farm to Fork (F2F) systems. Secondly, solutions that drive a more efficient use of the scarce resources employed by the food industry. Lastly, techno logies that reduce the amount of food waste or recover valuable products or energy from it.
Discover how technology can support the challenge to feed the world by downloading our white paper below.
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