

Get your master data right Regarding your own efficiency, the Operator Eye also helps you get your master data right. The Operator Eye identifies the goods with wrong master data. We are surprised by how often the master data is wrong in both our existing customer base as well as with new customers. Some goods may have seven or eight different picking programs. The root cause is wrong master data, and wrong master data often causes bad operator behavior. Choosing the right picking program becomes a guessing game that the operator tries to fix on his shift. This may lead to dropped or damaged goods due to the use of the wrong picking program. The Operator Eye makes this issue visual and provides the data to the decision makers to correct master data and select the correct program based on imperial data and not feelings. Our next development project is to automatically determine the picking program best fitted for the product without the intervention of the operator making the production more relia ble and efficient. With Operator Eye and AI, our equipment learns how to compensate for real production challenges. With the benefits of AI, we are taking huge steps towards the “dark factory”, and the benefits of AI are already tangible today. Our team is always ready to help calculate the expected value our customers will gain from an AI solution with Körber Supply Chain.

When we deploy Operator Eye at a new site, it learns from the operators and continuously becomes more and more efficient. The cameras detect the reason for a stop, and if the operator hits the reset button, the system will automatically learn to reset next time a similar incident causes a stop. As these learnings accumulate over time, you will experience fewer and fewer situations, where the operator needs to inter act with the equipment. A world of unforeseen benefits When we set out to develop the Operator Eye, it was with the vision of creating a system that could automatically reset plastic and detect slip sheets to cut down on unnecessary downtime from unwanted stops. We ticked that box – our pilot customers increased the operational availability of their Layer Picker by 8-12% – for some of them this adds up to more than 240 additional production hours a year. We also learned a lot along the way and ticked some other boxes as well – some of which might prove to be worth more to our customers over time than solving the task we initially set out to do. Who is paying for damaged goods? First of all, it provides data on the root cause of every failed pick. As of today, this data is not available and customers react on feelings and pictures taken with their mobile phones. Operator Eye provides all the data you need to analyze and explain quality issues to your suppliers like damaged goods, wrong packing, or dual slip sheets. Simply put, it will be easier to settle the bill for damaged goods and lost time.



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